Monday, September 28, 2009


Why is that friends could be right there with you in what ever you are doing and then talking behind your back in the next minute? I really hate when this happens because it seems to happen more often then not. Just the other day my friends were fighting over the fact that they all didn't go to the same party. Now i don't even know what started this but some how I ended up get most of the hurt. I didn't even go to the party, I was DD for the night. I was willing to drive them where ever they wanted and they still got in a fight and were crying over nothing. As of right now I think that we worked out all of the issues but who knows the next time could something totally new. We have all some what forgiven each other and are trying not get in each others faces. I just hope that this last longer then a week.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

First Show

Tomorrow is our first show for the western team. I'm still not really sure how is going to go but the unknown is kinda fun. I have been to the last two lesson and have gotten to ride a few of the horses. They all seem really cool and don't seem like its going to be hard to just get on and go. The coach also seems to be a lot of fun and like the way that I ride. I have to be up and ready to meet by the bus at 7 tomorrow morning, ugh! This means that I have to get up around 5:30 to get all my stuff together. I just hope that i don't forget anything, which something i almost always do. I have to make lists in order to make sure that I get everything done. Its going to be funny to have to get back into all my old show clothes again. I put them on the other day and my roommate laughed at me. Every thing has to be shinny and stand out so i have this dark blue shirt with sparkles all over it. It does look funny to people outside of the horse world but to the judges it what they want. As long as i have all my stuff together and don't leave any of it behind then i should be fine no matter what horse I get.

Monday, September 21, 2009

First Exams

I have my first exams this Thursday. Genetics, Ele Func, and Chem 2. 3 classes that take up a lot of my time. My math shouldn't be that bad because it is open note. I'm just hope that my notes are going to be enough. On the other hand Genetics and Chem 2 might be some trouble. Genetics has a lot of vocab and information that you need to know. I'm going to spend most of my nights in my room going over and over notes. Chem 2 might as well be another language for me and I'm hoping that my tutor will be able to help me out a little. Having 3 exams in one day really does suck. Another reason why that sucks is the fact that they are back to back starting from 8. That doesn't give me a lot of time to look over my notes before each class. Wow I'm so looking forward to Thursday, which used to be my favorite day of the week. I guess the only good part is that once I'm done the exams I have a long weekend with hopefully not a lot of homework. Yay! for no Friday classes.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


I got to go home on Thursday night. The only bad part was that I had to come back to school on Friday. It was so good to be able to go home even if it was only one night. Getting to see my animals is one of the main things I look forward to when I go home. Also the food at home is so much better then what is at school. I had a lot of fun getting to see my sister and mom, we always get a little crazy when the three of us are together. Now that I'm back at school my room feels a little empty without my dog and cat in it. It was kinda hard to fall asleep at first but somehow I was able to do it. I am always ready to go home and get away for school but for some reason when I get home I can’t wait to get back to school. I start to miss my life at Del Val. I feel as if now I have to homes that I can’t live without. I have family in friends in both places that make living in them that much more fun.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I would like to start off by saying the Chem II is not my friend. I have been trying to figure out what we have been doing over the past couple of weeks with no luck at all. I have even signed up for a tutor who I hope will be very helpful. I never like to have to ask for help but in this case I have no choice. I would take Chem I over Chem II any day. I feel as if I’m being taught in another language. Why is it that the lecture is so much harder than the lab? Do you know how it feels to sit in a class for over an hour and leave having no clue what was just talked about? Well that’s what I feel like every time I leave. I take notes like it’s my job, but do you think that I know what they mean? What I do know for some reason never seems to sick with me. Last night I had to do this online assignment, which totally kicked my butt. Somehow I was able to make it though and hope that I can do better on the next one. All I can say is that if your taking Chem in any form be sure to take the time out to study and go over your notes. Also don’t be shy about getting a tutor because sometime they can really help you understand stuff better than a professor.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Meeting New People

So I went to my first meeting for the DVCET, it was nice to know that I don't have to try out after all. I do have a placement ride this Saturday. I got to meet some really nice new people who i hope that i will get to ride with in the future. The team sounds like they are all really close and when riding that is always a lot of fun.

This past week I have met so many new people, which I find kinda funny since I am such a shy person. As one of my friends told me last year, “you will learn that shy is not an excuse.” So this year is different, I’m more outgoing and talkative in my classes and with people in general. I'm having more fun and getting to go out and not stress over my work. I was a little worried that living in South would make it hard to meet more people but since I spend most of my time in the other dorms it doesn't seem to matter. It's just that much better to be able to come back to some place without a lot of noise.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Start of a New Year

My first week back at DVC went fairly well. It was great to see all my friends that I had missed over the summer. You wouldn't believe how much you could miss the people that you just met. Now that I'm back it was a little hard to get back in the swing of having to do work. The first week of classes is finally over! I would have to say that this year is so much better than last year, it was nice not having to run around and find out which building was which and how the rooms are set up. It was so nice to get back to school and be able to set up my room. Move in day was much nicer this year because i had already know my roommate and i have to say it was much nicer moving into South hall then it was moving into Cooke hall last year. Also this year is a lot more fun because I know many more people and have more free time to hang out with them.

Today was the first day of the 2nd week of classes, which means I only have 2 more days of classes left. It is so nice to not have any Friday classes! Also today is the first meeting of the DVCET. I am hoping to try out for the western team this year. I looked in to riding for the team last year but since it was my first year of college I wanted to take it easy. I miss riding my horses so much. Joining the team would be another fun way to meet new people and get to show in different schools. I’m hoping that my riding comes back to me since I haven’t ridden my horse in a while.