Thursday, November 5, 2009

Weekend !

I am going home this weekend and I am taking two of my friends with me. Its the first time that I am taking friends home with me. I think that they are both excited to have a relaxing weekend at the farm and to get away from the stress of school. They are both in for bit of a shock when they find out that their cell phones may not work that well. My house is very old and I live in the middle of no where. I think that it will do them both some good to get away from their phones and enjoy the weekend. One of my friends has never been on a horse before, so I'm looking forward to see what she does when I put her on one of my horses. I know that there's going to be a lot of pictures being taken this weekend.
One of my good friends from home is also going to be home this weekend. It will be interesting she see how my new friends and my old friends get along. They are very different from one another and it makes me nervous to put them together. All I ca do is hope that everything goes well and that we all have a good time.

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